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How to Hire a Traffic Violation Lawyer

Getting a traffic violation can have a serious impact on your driving record and your insurance rates. The penalties for most common violations include fines, points added to your license, and possible license suspension. If you are facing a traffic ticket, it is important to consult with a Bronx Traffic Violation Lawyer Bronx as soon as possible to help you keep your driving record clean and your car insurance costs down.

The first step in fighting a traffic ticket is to contest it at the court where it was issued. A Bronx Traffic Ticket Attorney will help you fight your ticket by reviewing the evidence and arguing that the police officer did not have sufficient cause to pull you over. They can also argue that the officer misinterpreted the law or acted improperly in some other way, which could lead to your case being dismissed.

A Bronx Traffic Ticket Attorney can also assist you with other issues related to your traffic ticket, such as the time frame in which you must pay your fine or attend traffic school. In most cases, you have 48 hours from the date of your ticket to either mail in a check or appear in person and plead guilty or no contest. Your attorney can explain these options to you so that you are able to make the best decision for your situation.

The next step is to request a hearing at the court where your ticket was issued. This is done through a form that can be submitted online, by phone, or in person. A hearing gives you the opportunity to defend yourself against your traffic ticket by presenting any additional evidence or testimony that supports your side of the story. Your attorney can also question the police officer who wrote your traffic ticket about their observations of your driving and ask any other questions that are necessary to build your defense.

At the end of your traffic ticket hearing, the judge will decide whether or not to dismiss your case or enter a plea. If the judge finds you guilty, a traffic ticket lawyer can help you negotiate a lighter sentence or lesser fines. They may be able to convince the prosecutor to recommend no points or even a reduction in your fine if you have a good driving record.

A Bronx Traffic Ticket Lawyer can represent you in a variety of court matters, including felony and misdemeanor traffic tickets. They have years of experience representing thousands of drivers at conferences and discussions with city, town and village prosecutors, district attorneys, and other local courts in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey. They are also skilled in preparing statements and attending court hearings when pleading your case.

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